Daily Reading: Relationship not progressing
Questions about love and relationships are some of the most frequently asked. In this case, the situation is described as one that is just not moving forward as the inquirer would like.
The cards that appeared for this question reflected the inquirer's state of mind very accurately. The card at the pinnacle (#4) represents the state of mind. The "Love" card appears here reversed - a very accurate reflection of frustration in love or a relationship that is volatile and not going smoothly. The spread starts with "Frivolity" the butterfly in the past position - suggesting that at some point the relationship was carefree but superficial. The Present card is "Gift" reversed which indicates that the inquirer's situation is not getting better or possible deteriorating. The third card "Falseness" reversed is a suggestion that there is a truth to be exposed, something that has not been as it seems will be shown in it's true light. As for external influences, the "Servant" card adds some positiviity to the spread suggesting that the inquirer has help and support from others in this situation. The advice is the "Thief" card which warns that the inquirer should be wary because if they are not careful they could lose something valuable. The last card, which is the overall answer to the inquiry, is "Conversation" reversed. This suggests that things may continue to be unsaid, that things will not be, or possibly should not be, openly discussed at this time. The final card combined with the "Falseness" card could indicate that if this relationship is a clandestine one, t is not the time to disclose it to the world.