There's no doubt in my mind that what we think about comes about. Whether you call it the Law of Attraction, intention setting, conscious manifestation, or prayer, the underlying premise is the ability to be clear about what you want or need and to focus on that in order to bring it to yourself.
I try to begin each day with an intention for the day. What do I want or need in my life today? Do I need to communicate well? Do I need to be strong or creative or have insight into what others are saying or doing? Setting my intention involves seeing myself having, doing or achieving whatever it is that is most important today.
That sounds simple enough doesn't it? But focusing on what you want to manifest in your life when we're constantly bombarded with competing thoughts can be very difficult. Sometimes we need a touchstone to bring us back to what we really want. I find that an actual stone, something real and tangible, brings me back much quicker than just relying on my mind to be quiet and focus. By placing the stone or stones that remind me of my daily intention in my pocket or beside my laptop on my desk helps me to remember my intention and bring it to the forefront of my mind.
Below is a quick summary of the stones I use on a daily basis to "crystalize my intention" for the day.
Root Chakra: Survival.
Red Jasper: protection, tranquility, security
Sacral Chakra: Pleasure
Carnelian Agate: creativity, manifestation, luck
Solar Plexus Chakra: Power
Citrine: success, physical energy, self-assertion
Heart Chakra: Love
Green Aventurine: healing, friendship, peace
Throat Chakra: Self expression
Sodalite: communication, logic, discussion, truth
Third Eye Chakra: Transcendence
Banded Amethyst: calm, intuition, dreams
Crown Chakra: Spirituality
Rose Quartz: inspiration, love, bliss, gentleness
Divine Source: Connection to the Universe
Clear Quartz: power, raising consciousness, clarity